Wills and Trusts
A Will is the legal document that tells your family what to do with your stuff after you pass. You can specify who gets your car, your jewelry, and even your favorite sports team jersey. Having a well written Will can prevent a lot of family drama about who gets what.
A Trust works similarly to help specify where your assets will go. But, it also offers some advantages while you are alive. There are different types and combinations of trusts including a living trust, testamentary trust, and revocable trusts. Choosing the right type depends on your family and financial situation.
Beyond the basic Will and Trust you can also write down your legal wishes for your health care, financial management, guardianship, and even paying your bills. If you in a second marriage, have step-children, or have family dynamics that are challenging then it is smart to plan now for each of these possibilities.
Writing thorough wills and trusts for your family are the first step to feeling confident about your estate planning. No matter what your financial situation is, take charge by documenting your assets and health care choices now, while you are able. As your personal attorney I will help guide you through this process and assist you in answering the important questions, such as:
Who will sign legal documents for you if you are ill, incompetent, or unable (e.g. if you are out of the country)?
Will your doctors follow your wishes regarding end-of-life care?
Who will be granted custody of your minor children if you die?
I can prepare these important documents to ease your mind:
Last Will and Testament – memorializes your decisions about how your assets will be distributed at your death and who will serve as the personal representative of your estate
Durable Power of Attorney – designates a person who can make financial decisions on your behalf
Designation of Health Care Surrogate – designates a person who can make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable
Living Will – sets forth your desires for end-of-life medical care (i.e. the withholding of life prolonging procedures)
Declaration of Pre-Need Guardian – establishes your choice for a guardian should a need arise in the future, either for yourself or your children
Revocable Living Trust – creates a vehicle for avoiding probate (may be coupled with other estate planning tools such as a payable-on-death accounts, jointly held property and life estate deeds) for the purpose of saving money and protecting the privacy of your estate
My years of experience in Wills and Trusts, Durable power of attorney, and living wills in Florida can give you peace of mind as I tailor my services to fit your needs. Please call me today at 386-585-8027 to learn how I can help you navigate this sometimes confusing process.
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